Microneedling is a hair growth solution at The Hair Loss Clinic which successfully defeats the problem of hair loss without invasive surgery. Dr Balvant Arora our award-winning, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon is also an expert on hair restoration treatments. He believes that Microneedling is an excellent alternative therapy for restoring hair growth permanently.
Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure, therefore it does not mess up with the body’s hormonal balance, or does not leave the patient vulnerable to infections etc. It is a safe procedure that will stimulate hair growth and regularize the hair growth cycle.
What Is Microneedling?
Microneedling is a multi-purpose cosmetic procedure that has great benefits for the patient. It is recommended for Skincare, Anti-Aging and Hair Growth treatments.
It was first developed to treat scars since it pushed the skin to produce new collagen. New research done in the years that followed showed that when used on the scalp, microneedling can also help in inducing stem cells in the scalp that can lead to hair growth.
Microneedling at The Hair Loss Clinic involves the use of a small handheld roller device known as the Dermaroller. The device contains tiny needles ranging between 0.25 and 3 millimetres long. Our hair expert rolls the device on the patient’s scalp causing controlled micro-injuries to the outer layer of the skin. These injuries lead to micro-inflammation which stimulates the production of new collagen and better blood circulation to the dormant hair follicles. Collagen helps in healthy hair growth naturally.
The Benefits of Microneedling are:
- It is minimally invasive.
- It doesn’t involve the use of any chemical products or artificially produced medicines.
- It is a simple process with zero downtime for the patient.
- It is affordable and effective.

Who Is The Right Candidate For Microneedling?
Microneedling works best on patients with hair thinning and androgenic alopecia, which typically occurs along the top of the head.
At The Hair Loss Clinic, we have listed down some criteria which could make you a fit candidate for Microneedling:
- An overall healthy individual with signs of hair thinning and hair loss/balding.
- An individual who is bothered by the receding hairline and wants to undergo treatment for hair restoration and hair growth.
What To Expect At The Consultation?
During the first visit, our Hair Restoration Expert Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Balvant Arora will obtain detailed medical and history and history of any hair treatment taken so far. The hair loss will be graded. Medical and surgical treatment options will be discussed. If you are the right candidate for Microneedling, you will be explained the procedure again. An approximate number of sessions required will be told to you. When you agree for the treatment, your procedure will be scheduled.
The main purpose of the consultation at our clinic is to understand your unique case and your expectations from the Microneedling. It is essential that both you and our hair expert doctor are on the same page from the very beginning.
What To Expect Before The Microneedling Session?
Here is what you can expect on the day of your session:
- Filling out and signing consent forms
- Standard views of before treatment pictures are taken
What Happens During The Microneedling Session?
First, a topical anaesthetic will be applied to your scalp. This will numb you from feeling any pain that may result from the use of the Dermaroller.
Once you are settled in, our doctor will use the Dermaroller on your scalp in the targeted areas. The size of the needles in the roller will be chosen by the doctor depending on your unique case.
When the roller is used on your scalp it will cause micro-injuries. This will stimulate the production of collagen to heal the injuries and induce stem cells to begin a new hair growth cycle.
Finally, after using the dermaroller, the doctor will apply a soothing balm on the scalp to eliminate any pain or discomfort you may feel.
What Happens After The Microneedling Session?
There is no extra care that the person has to undertake after the process. The doctor might prescribe certain medicated shampoos and conditioners along with some other hair care products which will help to speed up and stimulate the results of the process even more.
Dr Balvant Arora believes in taking utmost care of nutrition and supplements that help in increasing and maintaining hair growth. Taking the necessary steps to maintain the nutrition and supplements along with Microneedling will certainly help in the long run.
In case you are wondering whether or not Microneedling is right for you, we invite you for a consultation at The Hair Loss Clinic where Dr Balvant Arora will guide you further on this subject.

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