Female Hair Loss Causes – Alexandria, Virginia
Understanding Hair Loss in Women
female hair loss causes and treatment
At Trichological Associates in Alexandria Virginia, as elsewhere, we are seeing increasing numbers of women in their teens, 20s, 30s and beyond who are experiencing female hair loss and thinning hair for a variety of underlying causes. Research has indicated that well over 90% of women experience female hair loss can attribute it to genetically related causes, specifically androgenetic alopecia.
Androgenetic alopecia in women often presents as a result of hormonal changes, with diffuse hair loss on the top of the woman’s head as shown in the Ludwig Chart of Female Baldness, below. This type of hair loss may also be at least in part caused by nutritional issues, especially when iron levels are low.

1. Female Androgenetic Alopecia:
Female hair loss affects women in the Alexandria, Virginia and Washington DC area as much if not more so than anywhere else. We are seeing more women at our Alexandria Virginia Hair Loss Clinic than ever before.
Given the current state of prescription medications presently on the market, topical hair loss treatment for men has reached the mainstream. For women, however, female hair loss may occur for a variety of reasons ranging from adverse reactions to a particular contraceptive to other more serious or systemic medical causes that can only be addressed by the woman’s doctor.
In decades past, genetic hair loss in women was thought to be a problem only or mainly for women who were post-menopausal. Today, we see a dramatic rise in female hair loss in younger women as well.
In women with a family history of genetically related female hair loss (androgenetic alopecia), such hair loss may be triggered by a fluctuation in hormone imbalance, stress, child birth, and other factors.
Androgenetic Alopecia in women typically presents as a progressive thinning of the woman’s hair on the top and crown areas of her head, as well as thinning in the temple areas. Unlike in men, female pattern thinning presents as an overall general thinning rather than total balding from the forehead to the crown area.
Women’s Hair Loss Solutions – Alexandria, Virginia
Assessing and Treating Female Androgenetic Alopecia
Given the various factors affecting female hair loss, it is always advisable to take a careful, detailed history, including any circumstances surround any sudden onset of hair loss.
Topical medications are generally the most common form of treatment for female pattern hair loss, most notably Minoxidil, sold over the counter as Rogaine. Originally introduced as a high blood pressure treatment, over-the-counter 2% Minoxodil has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of female androgenetic alopecia.
While topical treatment alone may not yield the desired results, multi-therapeutic hair loss treatment regimens have proven to be promising in female hair loss treatment, especially when combined with proper nutritional supplementation and approved low level laser hair therapy.
2. Diffuse Hair Loss:
Diffuse hair loss is defined as excessive hair loss from all over the entire scalp. Diffuse hair loss in women may be caused by disturbances in nutrition, metabolism and other environmental factors, as well as underlying susceptibility to genetically related female hair loss. When a women looses her hair, it is generally very gradual and subtle. By the time it becomes noticeable, perhaps up to 50% of growing hair has been lost in the affected area.
It is always advisable to see your primary care physician or dermatologist to determine the actual medical cause of female hair loss.
3. Female Hair Loss Causes and Taking Action:
At Trichological Associates in Alexandria, Virginia, we offer all proven treatment options for female hair loss and thinning hair in women including multi-therapeutic topical and nutritional programs, laser hair loss therapy, as well as Hair Loss and surgical hair restoration solutions. We invite you to consider making an appointment to discuss your hair loss concerns with one of our caring hair loss specialists so that we may properly evaluate your specific type of hair loss and recommend a course of treatment or Hair Loss solution.
Life Life On Your Own Terms: With Hair!
At Trichological Associates in Alexandria, Virginia (Washington, DC), we specialize in hair loss restoration and prevention for both men and women. Our revolutionary Revage Laser Hair Therapy treatment programs involve no surgery, no drugs, with absolutely no side effects.
If you are experiencing the devastating effects of hair loss and would like to learn about the latest treatment options that are available to you, please call us at (703) 914-4247 today.